About MTNZ

Vision - Connecting communities creatively.
Ko te Pūtaketanga - Te huihuinga mai i ngā hapori wairua auaha.
Mission - One voice to educate, support and advocate; enriching all aspects of theatre in our community.
Ko te huarahi - Kia kotahi ai te whakaaro hei whakaora ai te iwi whare-tapere
Values / Ngā Uaratanga
Commitment - to support our community with dedication and pride; valuing diversity.
Me ngakau nui - Tautokohia tō tātou hapori, kia manaaki, kia tiaaki, kia whakapakari.
Teamwork - stronger together - one voice, one goal.
Me mahitahi - Kia kotahi ai te whakaaro
Integrity - safety, trust and respect.
Me whakapono - Me mau ki te pono, te aroha, te manaaki.
Belonging - an inclusive environment sharing a common passion.
Me hono - hei āhurutanga te ngakau aroha.
Musical Theatre New Zealand (formerly known as the NZ Federation of Operatic Societies (NZFOS) and prior to the 2003 AGM, Musical Theatre Federation of NZ) is a non-profit organistion, formed in 1960 and is the national body for groups associated with Musical Theatre in New Zealand. From small beginnings, our membership has blossomed to our current position where we boast a membership of over 92 theatrical societies, 46 education members, 26 corporate members and numerous associate members. Theatrical societies represented cover the length and breadth of New Zealand.
Administered from an office in Hamilton, MTNZ is recognised both nationally and internationally for the contribution it has made to both fostering and increasing participation in the arts with our communities across Aotearoa.
MTNZ are on a mission to connect communities all over New Zealand through the magic of musical theatre and want you to join us. MTNZ invites you to be a part of an organisation dedicated to quality, live theatre in New Zealand’s communities.
MTNZ is the national voice of community theatre, providing data and information to non-members, businesses, other arts and non-profit organisations, as well as the media and government agencies.
Best of all, MTNZ is people - people who share your passion for theatre and understand its positive impact on the community.
The goal of Musical Theatre NZ is to foster and encourage the development of, and commitment to, the highest standards achievable by community theatres; including standards of excellence for production, health and safety, management, governance, community relations and service.
Musical Theatre is often credited with providing the platform from which many of our leading performers first gain an opportunity to display their talents. Rob Guest, Dame Kiri Te Kanawa, Derek Metzger and Dame Malvina Major are just four individuals who have gone on to establish themselves as star international performers. Often those who have had grounding backstage in community and school productions, go on to be professional lighting designers, riggers, stage managers, theatre and arts administrators and production personnel here in New Zealand and overseas.